Public libraries are unlike any other spaces on the planet. They’re not even really like other libraries. College libraries serve only the needs of university students and academics. School libraries are specifically designed for kids of various ages. Specialty libraries are often dedicated just to experts.
Public libraries, though, have to meet the needs of the many. From great reading areas for kids to help entice them in day after day to careful spaces constructed for elderly patrons, public libraries need special attention when it comes to design, so we’re nothing short of proud to put our name on the design work of the Alsip Marionette Park Library.
A Year in the Making
Some design projects take just a few months. Others, like this one, take quite a bit more work. We got started in January of 2012. After preliminary designs, pricing, and all of the details that go into any of our projects, we were finally able to install some of our Brodart Contract Furniture line in February of 2013. All of it was custom made for the library.
In the adult sections, we were able to design double faced computer carrels to save space as well as individual study carrels with pop up power and data for those using laptops. We also integrated new reading tables, study tables in the study room, double sided book displays, and custom OPAC stations as well as dictionary and atlas stands.
In the children’s area, we designed square and round tables at heights that worked for both children and adolescents. We also created half-moon computer stations with velcroable front panels for reading fun. Additionally, we added a customized children’s puzzle table among other things.
This project really demonstrates how far we’ve branched out from the idea of seating. We wanted to be part of this from the start. With us, you know you’re never going to have to flip open a catalog, point to what you want, and have us assemble it. Instead, we invest ourselves in delivering exactly what you’re looking for, and we succeed with quality and precision.