What’s the Buzz in Interior Architecture?

U.S. commercial building construction spending has been on the rise for quite some time. The market shows little sign of slowing in the near future, too, which means more commercial buildings are being designed and re-designed to meet the needs of small and large companies alike. What’s hot in commercial interior architecture design? Take a look at three of the biggest trends:

The Big Picture

Now more than ever before, commercial architectural designs look at the bigger picture. They take into account that they’re interconnected with their surroundings and work to play that up. For example, most designs look at the view from the building, the public message the structure sends out, and even historical significance.  The goal is to create and innovate while ensuring respect for existing landmarks remains in place.


Along with a focus on the big picture comes a closer look at how long that big picture will last and what environmental impact the design might have. Commercial architectural designs still focus on simple aspects of sustainability like energy efficiency, but they’re also look at power generation through wind and solar options, better water conservation, and unique building materials that can help create carbon neutrality and resilience.

Healthy Workplace

Today’s commercial architecture also seeks the opportunity to create a productive workforce through a healthier workplace. Incorporating options like natural lighting, noise control technology, and choices that help people thrive are all typically additions. What’s more, though, is that incorporating today’s wearable tech with the building’s technology is also becoming increasingly possible to help people know how and when to work.

Modern commercial interior architecture is changing fast, and Carroll Seating Company is keeping up with those changes to help design workplaces that do more for your workforce. To learn more about what we can do, contact us today.