Laboratory Design Tips

Laboratory Design from Carroll Seating

Designing that perfect lab for young scientists? It’s tough to balance the needs of young scientists with the realities of budgets and space today, but these laboratory design tips can help you get the science space you need now.

  • Don’t Forget to Build In Storage Space: If you want safe, effective science instruction for your students, you’re going to need a pretty solid amount of storage space. There are a number of ways to do just that. Add extra shelving to your design for glassware. Consider hidden storage spaces in cabinets. Think about adding a storage closet at the back of the room. Whatever you do, though, make certain that you add storage to your overall design from the outset.
  • Consider Your Work Surface Carefully: There are a number of different work surfaces to choose from, and the key to durability will be how yours is going to be used. The needs of elementary school science classes, for instance, are very different from the needs of high school science classes, so think about your work surface options before you make a final decision.
  • Think Utilities: The best science labs have a gas supply, electricity access, and good drainage systems. You may need to consider that as you build out that perfect lab design, particularly if you’re refurbishing an old space into a brand new lab.
  • Make it Inspirational: Don’t forget that you’re actually building out a classroom, so you need to consider that as you work toward the perfect layout. Add color, themes, and a bit of imagination to help better motivate students to learn.

Let us help you design the ideal science lab. When you choose Carroll Seating Company, you’ll work one-on-one with a project manager who will not only ensure you get that perfect laboratory design, but also great casework and equipment to ensure your classroom is second to none. Contact us today to learn more.

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