Top Trends in Modern School Libraries

School library furniture
School library furniture

Technology and education are two fields that will continue to move forward, adapt and evolve. That being so, school libraries must evolve as well. Despite their reputation as dusty, book-collecting, quiet places, modern libraries have adapted to the needs of the next generation of students, using the latest in technology and library furniture. Learn more about the current trends present in modern school libraries.

Technological Resources

One of the most obvious modern trends for libraries is the increased use of technology. Students now have greater access to technological resources, such as tablet PCs, eBooks, open source, and other tools. Librarians are adapting to the increased use of technology by facilitating use of these new gadgets. Library furniture, for example, is adapting to students who use laptops, mobile phones, and other gadgets by integrating wireless charging stations and other considerations for these devices.


Technology not only benefits students, but library staff as well. The increased use of technological resources, such as academic databases and remote library services, increases the capabilities and options for libraries without taking up space held by library furniture or physical books and archives. As a result, administrators can benefit from cost-efficient libraries that will operate at a more advanced level, and spend money on other tasks, such as updating library furniture, maintenance, and other essential costs.

Inclusive Spaces

Children with developmental disabilities and within the autism spectrum have specific needs when it comes to certain library activities. Some school libraries are creating more inclusive spaces by developing storytelling programs that emphasize sensory storytime and an increase in color and visuals. More comfortable and safe library furniture and seating are also in demand. Other children can also benefit from these inclusive spaces and activities.

Expansion of Librarian Roles

As a result of the increased library activities and resources, librarians will have to fulfill multiple new roles. Modern librarians are now increasingly savvy with technology and have greater involvement in the academic success of the patrons. This role expansion has some positive aspects, as it outgrows the stereotype of the librarian the strict enforcer of silence.

Focus on Community Learning

The emphasis in technology frees up space in libraries. Beyond the use of sleek library furniture, there is a potential for these spaces to become learning stations for the larger community. Several libraries have used the extra space to allow for additional educational opportunities, such as video and photo production for interested teenagers, craft lessons for small children, and activities for non-student patrons such as senior citizens. Adaptable library furniture is necessary for the growing variety of non-library activities.

If you are considering embracing your school library as a learning community space for students and staff, you will need the right library furniture to accomplish it. Carroll Seating is a proud provider of Worden Company furniture products. From sleek tables and desks to efficient bookcases and charging stations, we will supply the ideal library furniture that will facilitate these trends. Contact Carroll Seating to learn more about our library furniture options, such as bookcases, tables, and chairs, that will bring your library up to date.


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